
06-09 下雨中惊醒

  • 在这里或许有你期待的故事,去寻找去发现,
  • 人是情绪化的生物,共情是表达的一种方式,
  • 祝你好运🍀.

更新日期:2024-06-09 周日 下雨☔️

  • 小鸡🐤,我一直都在——希望你好好的



Perhaps it's being too sentimental, but I'm upset😣 for the second time because I couldn't save a small animal. The little chick🐤 was brought home from the supermarket during a promotion some time ago, and I've taken good care of it for a while. I blame myself for not watching over it well; it was bitten by the cats and dogs at home.


The last time I buried the little kitten🐱 in the empty space in front of my house, it's been almost half a year now. This time, I buried the little chick🐤 nearby myself, also thinking that the chick wouldn't be too lonely going down alone. I hope the little chick can be reborn into a better life in the next life.


On rainy days, one can't help but feel a bit sadder, and the little chick🐤 is no exception. Today, I tried to save the chick in what seemed like the right way, but I wasn't successful. Another chick has been calling out, as if a grown child has lost the way back to childhood. Well, let's look on the bright side👀. The little chick wouldn't want me to live in constant sorrow😖 either. So, from now on, taking good care of the only chick left🐤 will be the main focus of my life. Let's keep going, fighting⛽️!