
06-07 无风便是晴

  • 在这里或许有你期待的故事,去寻找去发现,
  • 人是情绪化的生物,共情是表达的一种方式,
  • 祝你好运🍀.

更新日期:2024-06-07 周五 微风


I almost didn’t wake up today, having been called many times, but I still fell back asleep habitually. Maybe I was too tired yesterday.


This afternoon, I successfully set up the C language module on the small, flawed website. Currently, it's still a bit rudimentary and doesn't implement the directory folding effect found in H5. Nevertheess, if you are a beginner learning C language, or even more knowledge points, you can make use of these contents. The code for the homework exercises has been provided, along with necessary annotations and corresponding explanations. I believe this will be helpful for those who read it.


Alright, daily fitness is also very important. I went out for a workout today and feel like I've regained a lot of my strength! Have a good sleep now; you've learned well today. Keep up the hard work tomorrow!