
06-05 今天还好吗

  • 在这里或许有你期待的故事,去寻找去发现,
  • 人是情绪化的生物,共情是表达的一种方式,
  • 祝你好运🍀.

更新日期:2024-06-05 周三 下雨☔️


This is my first time using MkDocs to build a website. Before that, I used Hexo, and the effect of Halo was also quite good. However, at that time, my foundation was relatively weak, so I was tortured quite peacefully. Now I'm gradually learning to build a webpage myself, which is quite amazing, isn't it?


Today marks the first day of officially opening for business. In this small, rundown website, I am quietly laying the foundation. Well, today is also not a particularly happy day, as it is raining, and there are many things to think about. How to smoothly get through these days of learning and prepare for the next stage of work is also the top priority. Of course, all of this is beside the point. It's not bad to write a bit of personal biography here every day.


Today's rant ends here. Let's continue to do something interesting, like learning C, to lay a good foundation for the next stage of work!