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更新日期:2024-06-09 创建日期:2024-06-01


In one's lifetime, one encounters many people, most of whom are transient, but only a few remain by one's side as the years pass by. I would like to call that—kin.


The original intention of leaving writing traces here stems from reading. There are many books, and the most important ones are those that suit one's taste. Reading is not about seeking benefits; if you like a book, pick it up and read it; if not, you can set it aside.


Since stumbling upon extracurricular reading materials by chance, I have been exposed to new books every year. Some books have shown me the vastness of the world, while others have enlightened me on the history of humanity, especially the uninterrupted civilizations. I hope that this website, like history, can create a ripple effect 🌊 and not be overlooked.